
marina masatovic


‘art & patisserie come together in my world of sweet creations’
I create refined sweets finished to the smallest detail


  • edible sculptures
  • exclusive bespoke Wedding cakes & Wedding favors
  • entremets (dessert cakes)
  • individual pastry
  • patisserie table

avocado in de vorm van een gebakje


during my work as a Notary clerk I worked very precisely and organized, but my love for ballet has shown me something beautiful, that is the grace, beauty and elegance. This way I combine both and express this in my creations…

What started with simple cakes, has grown into special creations with delicate flavors, but also small sculptures of chocolate al focust on art and refining. No one creation is the same, sometimes I model a pastry with my hands in a beautiful shape, paint with edible paint, use the palette knife technique or create an art pallet of edible flowers on cakes. This way you get a completely different experience of eating a cake, and that’s what people keep remembering.

I always love when people can appreciate my product, having an eye for details and recognize the feeling of beauty


My Swan has already been exhibited at The Mauritshuis in The Hague!
I recently participated in an open call of The Mauritshuis to make your own version on the famous painting ‘the girl with a pearl earring’.
I created this swan from white chocolate, here was the iconic ballet Swan lake my inspiration. While creating this I tried to use the colors, shapes and light like the famous painting.

Out of an overwhelming number of entries from all over the world, the jury has chosen my creation as one of the winners!

the girl with a pearl earring
my girl with a pearl